Saturday, April 26, 2008

Hallway to rooms

Hallway to rooms
Originally uploaded by h20tubig
For the past week, I have been last to turn off the hallway lights... which is not the norm. Usually I would turn in early and Janice would retire later and she's usually the last one to turn off the lights. But since last weekend, she's not home... She went to a church camp in Thailand. Just a few moments ago, she sent me an sms saying she's back in Singapore... their plane just landed a little while ago. ^_^ It's been a lonely week with work keeping me out late and no one to chat or be grumpy with later. And.... I hate being last to turn of the lights. hahaha I have been sleeping with the room lights on. Janice please please hurry home so I could finally have my first good night sleep in days. ^_^ hehehe no wonder I was anemic back in Manila. wahahaha

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