Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Originally uploaded by h20tubig
One of my favorite fruits. I have a bunch left at home...
It's 5:00 AM in the morning and I'm wishing am home with my rambutans. =( Been here since 7 AM yesterday... only 2 more hours and I'll have spent almost 24 hours straight in front of the computer. I can feel my lips twitching... my elbows hurting (prolonged typing position)... my eyes watering... my feet stiff... my shoulders and back hurting... my tummy growling.

Am getting too old for this. =( I want my rambutan.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Friday, September 07, 2007

Memorable Pic Series -- Ground Zero

Ground Zero
Originally uploaded by h20tubig
Goodbye Ground Zero. You have been witness to my growth, my failures and all the myriad feelings I have ever displayed at work. To me, you represent a different era. An era that I miss and will forever cherish as my early days in ground zero. I will miss ground zero but that's life. We have to move on. ^_^