Saturday, April 26, 2008

Hallway to rooms

Hallway to rooms
Originally uploaded by h20tubig
For the past week, I have been last to turn off the hallway lights... which is not the norm. Usually I would turn in early and Janice would retire later and she's usually the last one to turn off the lights. But since last weekend, she's not home... She went to a church camp in Thailand. Just a few moments ago, she sent me an sms saying she's back in Singapore... their plane just landed a little while ago. ^_^ It's been a lonely week with work keeping me out late and no one to chat or be grumpy with later. And.... I hate being last to turn of the lights. hahaha I have been sleeping with the room lights on. Janice please please hurry home so I could finally have my first good night sleep in days. ^_^ hehehe no wonder I was anemic back in Manila. wahahaha

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Janice! Am not so slow anymore! wahahahaha

My laptop has been booting real slow these past few days and Janice was suggesting that I upgrade my unit. I was considering it but I just use my laptop to post process pics (if I remember to make time) or to surf hehehe I'm still happy with it (even if I haven't fix my sound card yet) and the only thing that irked me is that it takes almost 2 minutes to boot. =)
Searching for the answers online... I stumbled on bootchart... sorry I forgot to bookmark the site where I chanced upon it. Anyway... it's easy to install... just apt-get install bootchart

It makes a pretty picture where we can check boot sequence and how long it took for each application.... so based on this pretty picture... (I cropped most of it... sorry) Usplash was taking a loooooooong time.So after I removed Usplash which is just a boot up beautifier by suppressing the lines of logs usually filling the screen.... my boot time was significantly shorter. Yey!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Kim Diosa

Originally uploaded by h20tubig
It's been a week or so since you have gone home after your OJT stint here in SG. Hope you finish college soon and come back here. We miss you. Take care. ^_^