Sunday, October 26, 2008

Klutzy me.

Hmmmm..... went to catch Janice for lunch yesterday... she was playing badminton in Tampines. When I got there, they were not done yet... so I decided to play with them. hehehe 5 minutes into the game I jumped and landed badly on my right foot... ended up with a sprain. huhuhu

I got a pretty bruise on my leg now... feeling way better than yesterday... It looks horrible but it does not hurt as bad as it looks... I just walk kinda funny. ^_^

Thank you Lord for healing me and it's just a sprain... not dislocated as we feared yesterday. Since I can't move around much... am going to spend my "down" time catching up on work and practicing my violin. Perfect excuse not to go out and exercise. hahaha

^_^ I think my bruise is photogenic. hehehe

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