Saturday, May 03, 2008

Care Package From Home

Here's the package sent to me from home. ^_^ It had food, clothing, favorite sheets and towels inside. =)
I now have a month's worth of my favorite wafers... I know there are a lot of wafers here but I really love Nissin's wafer. They sent over several packs of toasted mamon. I brought a pack to the office and my officemates liked it. Oh and they sent over lots of my bath soap too. ^_^ hehehe The clothes I liked a lot and they fit except for a couple of pants and a blouse that was too loose. hehehe It has been a while since I tried on a top that's LOOSE! Now why are they sending me clothes right? Well... clothes here are quite expensive (based on price and quality relationship) and it's really hard to find clothes that fits me. At least in Manila, we already know which shops sells clothes that has a high probability of fitting me and with far better quality for a fraction of the price here. ^_^

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