Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Surprise! Surprise! I met an old friend today and we haven't had the chance to catch up for quite some time now. She's been on a long hiatus from our frequent conversations over fried food or coffee. As it is, she's also planning on moving to another country and her papers are in the process of being “prepared” while mine is lying somewhere in my still unpacked boxes. hehehe As old friends does, we skipped the chitchat and dove to the juicy updates of our “love” lives. My laments on my non-existing love life took a couple of minutes then she launched into her much colorful story. ^_^ She met a guy and knowing her penchant for weird men I sat back to ready to make my symphatetic grunts and/or to stiffle my giggles. hehehe Anyway, the actuall telling took a considerable amount of time, she got hooked on an older man with a son from a previous relationship that has a charming face and a distinct personality. =) Charming face and distinct personality being my way of saying it politically correct. hehehe I'm not into looks myself but I had to smile and ask her what she found appealing about this guy. Her answer... he presented a challenge more than anything else. ^_^ For 2008, I wish us both less challenges on that aspect of our lives. hahaha

Happy New Year!

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